Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Daughter's School Assignment

I shouldn't be surprised.  She has always been creative.  She has always been smart. And, she has always been independent.  So when she shared with me her assignment from one of her 6th grade classes, I knew I had to exercise my parental bragging rights and share this with you....with her permission of course!  Check out this insight from an 11 year old.....

I’m from the secrets that have never been retold.
The whispers sway one direction, not to be swayed again.
The sweet sound of my mother’s voice, crushed into a noise that only I can hear.
I’m from the sweet memories as if they were my feet, I walk on them everyday.
Crushing, breaking, destroying the bad, making new memories.

I’m from the tragic, devastating moments that made me scared and stubborn.
I’m from the cumbers my grandpa grew.
The fresh, green veggie that came up from the soil.
I’m from those sunny Sunday mornings that brought me closer to God.

I’m from those times my sisters dropped vases on their toe.
I’m from those fights that never lasted, the ones where we belly laughed afterword.
From the holding hands when I prayed to sipping Dr. Pepper.
The rivalry between the bears and the panthers that always lasted.

I’m from those summer nights when you would have to eat my momma’s fries for dessert.
The crisp, darkened potato slices you’d have to digest for sweetness.
From playing ball, to dancing around.
I’m from North Carolina, where we do things right.
That’s where I’m from, so what have you gotta say?

 Madi Marlowe